VIRTUALLY YOURS DEMO: Because this is a demo version, there is a whole lotta stuff left out! You'll have to buy the REAL THING to FIND OUT just what it is... but be happy you've got this much! ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE C:\QTW\BIN\ - OR YOUR QUICKTIME FOR WINDOWS DIRECTORY - SET IN YOUR AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH. YOU WILL NEED THIS TO SEE VIRTUALLY YOURS' QUICKTIME MOVIES! Double-click the VIRTUALLY YOURS DEMO icon found in the GLOWING ICON Program Manager's Group to startup the demo. NAVIGATION THROUGH VIRTUALLY YOURS: When you are in hallways and rooms: Click in the CENTER of the screen to go FORWARD, or to open a door or launch a movie. Click on the LEFT SIDE of the screen to turn to the LEFT. Click on the RIGHT SIDE of the screen to turn RIGHT. KEYBOARD COMMAND TO EXIT VIRTUALLY YOURS: ESC KEY BTW, try playing this disc on your CD-Audio player. SKIP TRACK 1... Tracks 2 through 8 are high quality audio remixes of our CD-ROM theme music. Rock out! GLOWING ICON PUBLISHING, INC. is committed to developing quality interactive software products. We look forward to moving into the future with you by creating more and more sophisticated interactive entertainment software. We have a number of exciting titles planned. Stay tuned! GLOWING ICON PUBLISHING, INC. 13160 RAYMER STREET NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605